Note, however, that you have the option to roll forward to a given local time ( new feature) or GMT time. 但是注意,可以选择前滚到给定的本地时间(新特性)或GMT时间。
To define latitude and longitude coordinates for a location on the Earth, at minimum, you must be able to see the stars or the Sun and have a sextant and clock that displays time in GMT. 确定地球上某个位置的经度和纬度坐标的最低需求是,你至少能够看到星星和太阳,并具备一个六分仪和能够显示GMT时间的时钟T。
Write code that asks for a time zone or the offset from GMT, and then develop greetings based on that information. 编写代码询问时区或与GMT的时差,然后根据这一信息提供问候语。
To convert the ancient Mayan calendar to the Gregorian ( or modern) calendar, scholars use a numerical value ( called the GMT). 学者们通常是借助一个被称为“GMT常量”的数值,将古玛雅历法转换成公历(现代历法)。
So Greenwich meantime, or GMT, was born here outside London in 1884. 于是1884年在这里伦敦郊外的格林威治,格林威治标准时间(gmt)诞生了。